Monday, January 01, 2007

principles for living in 2007

I am usually not one for making new year’s resolutions that I have any chance of keeping, but for some reason I have been inspired to make a list of general principles that shall guide me in the next twelve months. Here they are:

Write more
Blog more
Wear less underwear
Play more dress ups
Make more costumes
Take more photos
Date more, snog more, play more, fuck more
Cook more new food
Eat an entire meal made from things I have grown
Live my politics
Read and write more fiction
Tattoo my skin
Dance more
Make more clothes
Acquire a suit
Publish an article

Prizes for anyone who can guess which six I have already made concerted efforts towards achieving…



Blogger whoretic said...

Yah! Good to see you blogging. Here's a partial guess: You have taken steps towards playing dress ups and making costumes, and blogging (obviously). Excellent list by the way.

Aparently for the cover of Time's latest person of the year issue, they put a mirror on the cover, to reflect the rise in uptake of technologies, particularly things like blogs, referring to digital democracy. the idea is that everyone is transforming the way we use information, rather than an elite.

1:11 AM  
Blogger madam phantasm said...

Hopefully there will be much more blogging this year! You would think I had counted blogging as one of the things I had taken steps toward - but 3:40am amy misses glaringly obvious things like that when taking stock of her exploits! But otherwise your partial guess was correct. I had heard about the times person of the year thing. I like it and it reflects one of the reasons I initially set up (and then proceeded to ignore) this blog - the concept of open information sharing and publishing, particularly in academic contexts. Plus i had a burning desire to one day be times man of the year when i was a kid. Not even going to try to unpack why - but i suspect it had alot to do with the feeling of exclusion gained from the title.

10:34 PM  

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