I think this may become a space in which I can air my intellectual and social inadequacies or foibles...
Today - how my big mouth will always be the end of me... apparently a number of years ago I made the statement "all humanities academics are self indulgent" during a tutorial for a philosophy course on Foucault... now I do not remember making such a statement and have the ultimate respect for the academic whom said comment addressed to (I believe she makes it onto my intellectual deities list) - but tonight I realised that she remembers me on the basis of this comment... why could I have not been remembered for my intelligent and insightful comments on Foucault? (Possibly because I did not make any in the duration of the course...) damn my big mouth!
In other news - I am finished university for the semester and have had an absolutely amazing time at
this conference for the past three days. Despite feeling out of place and inadequate in the presence of so much intelligence it was amazingly mind expanding!