Thursday, February 15, 2007

Word Weirdery

For some reason word keeps auto-correcting 'anal' to 'annal' as I am writing.

In my computer illiterate way I have tried to fix it through the auto-correct feature with no success.

I wonder what 'annal sex' would involve or feel like. It is possibly something I would enjoy.

I think it is time for bed.


How have I not read more Kate Bornstein?

“I love the idea of being without an identity, it gives me a lot of room to play around; but it makes me dizzy, having nowhere to hang my hat. When I get too tired of not having an identity, I take one on: it doesn't really matter what identity I take on, as long as it's recognizable. I can be a writer, a lover, a confidante, a femme, a top, or a woman. I retreat into definition as a way of demarcating my space, a way of saying "Step back, I'm getting crowded here." By saying I am the (fill in the blank)," I also say, "You are not, and so you are not in my space." Thus, I achieve privacy. Gender identity is a form of self-definition: something into which we can withdraw, from which we can glean a degree of privacy from time to time, and with which we can, to a limited degree, manipulate desire.”
~ Bornstein, Kate (1994) Gender Outlaw: On men, women and the rest of us, New York and London:Routledge, p 39-40.
I am completely in love.

And today I am a nerd kitty. Hoping to manipulate my own desire to produce pages and pages of finely tuned, well argued prose which makes theory sing and people pee their pants with joy. It isn't quite working.